Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Lighting redux

I had posted a couple of weeks ago about our search for an outdoor light fixture. Sooz and I have been trolling the internet and I've found a couple of possibilities.

After we were at the house last weekend, we realised we need a pretty big fixture if it's going to be up on the outside all by itself, and I convinced myself it should be something square to match the rest of the house.

These two fixtures are made by a company called Forecast, based near Chicago (although they seem to be a subsidiary of Phillips). The left one is about 40 x 25cm, which is pretty good sized, and it holds two 75 watt bulbs. The other is taller but narrower, and holds one 75W bulb.

I emailed the company and they confirmed that both are rated at 220 volts, so we may have a winner in the light fixture pageant!

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